In response to this call, members of the domain science networks can propose co-design projects to realize essential components of the scientific roadmaps of the PASC networks.
Co-design projects can cross multiple domains and cover needs of multiple scientific networks. These co-design projects along with the development of new and emerging supercomputing systems at CSCS, to which the co-design project have to relate to, are meant to provide the simulation infrastructure needed to realize the scientific roadmaps of the PASC networks.
Applicants who are not already participating in one of the PASC domain science networks are welcome to submit a proposal that relates to one of the respective domains, but should contact the principal investigator of the network.
Projects outside the scientific scope of the existing networks and their roadmaps are also possible, but require the formation of a new agenda and associated roadmap that have comparable quality and community support as the present networks.
Furthermore, projects that develop basic (software) infrastructure needed for sustained implementation of the scientific agendas of the networks will be supported under this call as well.
Moreover, proposals are expected to address one or more of the following priorities for optimal exploitation of CSCS new and emerging supercomputing platforms:
- Refactoring of key application codes that have or will have significant impact on CSCS user program and re-engineering of their algorithms.
- Development of numerical libraries and their integration into application codes.
- Incorporations of innovative sub-systems (e.g. I/O, data streams, etc.) into existing simulation codes in order to support novel workflows needed for future high-end simulations.
- Development of programming environments or components thereof, performance tuning and analysis/monitoring tools.
Project teams should be interdisciplinary, consisting of researchers from application domains, computational science and applied mathematics, and computer science. The organization of the interaction between project members of the various disciplines and participating institutions should be clearly described in the project proposal.
Eligible applicants
Researchers with tenured positions at Swiss universities and institutes of the ETH Domain are eligible to submit co-design project proposals as principal investigator (PI). SNSF rules for personnel eligibility apply.
Researchers from other institutions, including private companies and colleges of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen), as well as non-Swiss universities and research institutes can participate in co-design projects. Typically investigators from such other institutions bear their own cost; the PASC steering committee might approve exceptions in justified cases.
CSCS contribution
CSCS will make available the following resources in order to facilitate the co-design projects:
- Information about targeted new technologies.
- Access to supercomputing platforms and prototypes for development and testing purposes.
- Coordinate necessary interactions between co-design project teams and manufacturers of supercomputing systems and system components.
- Consultancy, expertise and training in key aspects of emerging technologies and high-performance software development.
Financial scope and duration
Projects will start on January 1st, 2014, respectively July 1st 2014 and will have to be concluded by December 31, 2016. Expected project duration will be two to three years.
The entire budget for co-design project within PASC is 10.6 million CHF (6.6 million for cantonal universities and 4 million for institutes of the ETH domain). PASC expects to support between 15 and 20 co-design projects.
Typical total budget of a project is expected to be in the range of 300000 to 700000 CHF; larger budgets will have to be well justified. Following regulations of the Swiss University Conference, each project has to provide matching funds. These can be in-kind and must be at least equal in values at the funds request from PASC.
Eligible costs
The following costs will be eligible for support from PASC:
- Research and technical staff including post-doctoral and PhD students. SNSF regulations concerning salaries and employment conditions will apply.
- Assistant professors positions will be funded only under a written confirmation of the hosting university, as well as a substantial share of co-funding by the university. Professorial staff members employed by the host university at the time of submission are not eligible.
- Networking and dissemination activities, as well as participation in international activities and conferences in the field.
- Stay of researchers at CSCS for joint activities.
Reporting and documentations
The PI of a supported project is expected to submit annual progress reports. PIs and/or co-PIs are expected to participate in and give oral presentations at PASC project review meetings. Detailed guidelines with scientific requirements and notifications of the reporting deadlines will be given to PIs an co-PIs at least three months in advance.