Call 2013 - 2016 Submission
Call for PASC HPC software development project proposals
Call for PASC project proposals
Call for PASC project proposals
∂GPU4GEO: Differentiable multi-physics solvers for extreme-scale geophysics simulations on GPUs
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics at the Exa-Scale
Accelerated Radiative Transfer Simulations for SKAO
Alpenglue - Advances in lattice applications for the next generation of large and fine discrete Quantum ChromoDynamics ensembles
Angiogenesis in Health and Disease: In-vivo and in-silico
ANSWERS: Accelerating nano-device simulations with extreme-scale algorithms and software co-integration
A Software Library for Fluid Structure Interaction Problems Based on Variational Transfer Immersed Boundary Method
Bayesian Waveform Inversion
Boosting large-scale quantum transport simulations through GPUbased dedicated libraries (BoostQT)
Computing equilibria in heterogeneous agent macro models on contemporary HPC platforms
Correlated electrons on accelerated architectures from frequency-dependent response functions
Coupled Cardiac Simulations
Integrative HPC Framework for Coupled Cardiac Simulations IFCCS
A common platform for application-independent Radiative Transport in astrophysical simulations
Direct GPU to GPU communication
A highly efficient implementation of direct GPU to GPU communication in a library for direct exchange calculations
Efficient QCD+QED Simulations with openQ*D software
Electronic Structure Calculations
Reduced scaling electronic structure calculations based on a versatile library for sparse matrix multiplication
ENIAC: Enabling the ICON model on heterogeneous architectures
A Library for Complex Electrostatic Environments in Electronic-structure Simulations
Establishing the Portable Model for Multi-Scale Atmospheric Prediction
FASTER: Forecasting and Assessing Seismicity and Thermal Evolution in geothermal Reservoirs
Genomic Data Processing
Portable Scalable Concurrency for Genomic Data Processing
Infrastructure development for hybrid parallel smoothers for multigrid preconditioners
A framework for multi-scale seismic modelling and inversion
Grid Tools
Towards a library for hardware oblivious implementation of stencil based codes
Heterogeneous Compiler Platform
Heterogeneous Compiler Platform for Advanced Scientific Codes
HiRAD-Gen (High-Resolution Atmospheric Downscaling Using Generative Machine Learning Models)
HP2C Projects
High-performance computing tools for agent-based general ecosystems models (HPC-ABGEM)
HPC-PREDICT: High-Performance Computing for the Prognosis of Adverse Aortic Events
Machine learning for materials and molecules: toward the exascale
Modular and user-friendly machine learning frameworks for atomistic modeling at scale
Multiscale applications
Optimal deployment of multiscale applications on a HPC infrastructure
Multiscale economical data
Towards the HPC-inference of causality networks from multiscale economical data
Next-Generation Radio Interferometry
Next-Generation Radio Interferometry II
OPAL-X (Object oriented Parallel Accelerator Library for eXascale)
openQxD: Efficient QCD+QED Simulations with Various Boundary Conditions on GPUs
Particles and fields
Simulation of turbulence in magnetically confined plasmas from first-principles
PASCHA: Portability And Scalability of COSMO on Heterogeneous Architectures
RandESC: Novel algorithms based on randomization and mixed precision for electronic-structure calculations
An open-source code package for large-scale waveform modelling and inversion
Scalable advanced sampling in molecular dynamics
Scalable advanced sampling in molecular dynamics using standalone tools for data mining (CHARMMing PIGS)
Development and optimization of the domain-specific library SIRIUS for electronic-structure calculations, and...
Snowball sampling
Snowball sampling and conditional estimation for exponential random graph models for large networks in high performance...
Sparse Tensor Linear Algebra Library
A standalone numerical library for sparse tensor linear algebra
Spectral properties of materials on accelerated architectures
SPH-EXA: Optimizing Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics for Exascale Computing
StagBL: A Scalable, Portable, High-Performance Discretization and Solver Layer for Geodynamic Simulation
Toward the next-generation simulations of the tokamak boundary
Virtual Physiological Blood
Virtual Physiological Blood: an HPC framework for blood flow simulations in vasculature and in medical devices